CEFR Level B1 Vocabulary: LACK
This word is from CEFR Level B1 list 3
WORD FAMILY: verb and noun
MEANING: not have something that is considered desirable or needed
EXAMPLE (verb): Many elderly people lack the ability to surf the internet.
EXAMPLE (noun): There is a lack of facilities in many inner city schools.
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Quick test. Are the sentences below using LACK as a verb or a noun?
1. The lack of support meant that the client eventually took their business elsewhere.
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This is a noun
2. Many countries lack the basic essentials of life, like clean water and good health care.
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This is a verb
3. He didn’t get a high score in his IELTS test because he lacked motivation in the weeks before the test.
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This is a verb
4. He didn’t get a high score in his IELTS test because of a lack of motivation in the weeks before the test.
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This is a noun