CEFR Level C2 vocabulary: INTRINSIC

CEFR Level C2 Vocabulary: INTRINSIC

This word is from CEFR Level C2 list 3
CEFR Level C2 Vocabulary: INTRINSIC
WORD FAMILY: adjective
MEANING: belonging naturally, built-in, a typical feature
EXAMPLE: A dog’s loyalty is an intrinsic characteristic.

Quick test! Are these sentences logically correct?
The sparkle of a diamond is one of its intrinsic qualities.
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Yes, this is not correct. Diamonds naturally have a sparkle.

Education has an intrinsic value as well as helping people get jobs.
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Yes, this is also correct. Education is naturally valuable, regardless of whether it is for a specific purpose.

It is important for parents to teach their children the intrinsic importance of being a good person.
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Yes, this is also correct.
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